100 word challenge

                                    Displaying 103ab7fc72aad54fd5b3533049a3f642--picture-writing-prompts-writing-pictures.jpg   What a day lets start from the start                                                                                     I walked in and somehow I started growing hair very fast in this maze.After an hour I found myself feeling stiff but then I realised I was in my mid forties I need to find a way back to the start of this maze but It’s blocked.I decided to climb up the stone wall. when I got to the top I saw a ladder I had to get there quick.when I got there I was in my nineties then I knew what it was it’s the ladder to heaven  

jokes week two

knock knock                                                                                                                               who’s there                                                                                                                                 boo                                                                                                                                               boo who                                                                                                                                     don’t cry it’s only a joke.



VROOM! The car dimly sounds, it’s a twenty minute drive to my first rugby game of tackle rugby AND I’M ONLY A YEAR TWO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!                                                                                     At the field grounds we started doing warm ups I new barely anyone on my team and yet I haven’t even started talking to myself. Oh no here it comes this is just a game Joshua a game it’s Not like you’re going to kill yourself. Dammit I’m starting of Dammit I have no experience in tackle rugby. I wish I stuck with ripper because I’m peeing my pants as the warm liquid runs down I try to cover it up I need a speer peer of pants. At the end of the game I felt embarrassed helpless I felt as disappointed as an older brother when your younger brother eats moldy cheese I have experienced that.                                                                                                                     
But things have changed a lot since then, as you will find out later. Hearing that story might make you think that I hate rugby but be prepared to be mind blown… in fact I still play rugby. Why? Because you don’t have to wear tight socks like in soccer there is so much glory and you are also allowed to smash people and in soccer you only use your feet FEET!
In the future I can always Imagine myself playing for the highlanders and I think I have a good chance because I have just played for country for the town VS country game and some pro rugby players have not even made the reps funny right. I just imagine running onto the field and jeff wilson saying Joshua kane on his dabu today. Let’s hope that dream comes true let’s just hope for now.Rugby is all about tackling fast reactions and lots more but I play rugby because it is a sport that everyone can play and including people of any size.    
I think you might be wondering what is a rugby game really like well lucky for you I will tell you. We run onto the field we also weight for the reff to blow his whistle… Then the whistle sounded we kicked of and the other team caught it and ran it straight we tackled low then the opponent had no chance. After five two ten minutes past kick of the score was… 17-28 I managed to run straight through the defence and score under the post half time came quick and the score was 17-39. We all had a drink of water and some oranges then ran back out again of we went.At about the thirty minute mark I ran straight thru the defence and scored another try.The scrums and lineouts aren’t really competitive but the pick and goes are. At the end of the game the final score was 17-87 to union my team.           
Rugby is an awesome sport WHY? Do you ask well all the speed , strength, teamwork , hard eye coordination makes rugby as cool as it is now. So if you are looking for a sport come and give rugby a go.  


1f u c@n red th1$ u @(e v&ry %m@rt                                                                                  if you want translation leave a comment saying I need translation.

jokes week one

My teacher said I had to learn the first four letter of the alphabet be tomorrow so I went home that day and asked my mum what is the first letter she was paying bills on her computer and she said shut up I said thanks Mum.                                    Next I went to my dad and asked him what is the second letter of the alphabet he was watching the rugby and his favourite team just scored and he said YES YES YES  and I said thanks dad.Next I went to my sister who was listening to Michele Jackson and I said what is the third letter of the alphabet and she said Michele Jackson I said thanks sister.After I went to my younger brother who was playing with his cars I said to him what is the fourth letter of the alphabet and he said driving in my broom broom car. so I went to school the next day and the teacher said what are the first four letters of the alphabet and I said shut up she said do you want to go to the principals office and I said YES YES YES she said who do you think you are I said Michele Jackson and she said how are you going to get away with this and I said driving in my broom broom car.                                           If you liked that joke leave a comment that starts with ha ha then tell me what was the best part of the joke thank you.

big rugby hits

Hi guys as you can see I have not posted stuff in a while but I have a video for you right here  https://youtu.be/F1A06stpydY                                                                     Did you like that video if you did leave a comment and I will try to respond back to you happy blogging. down here we have quake copper being smashed. 

funny stories

scene my teenage daughter and me in car. just so you know this is not a true.

Lauren: Dad, do you know what the most commonly used letter in a girl’s name is?

Me: Hmm, is it a consonant or a vowel? (Silence.) Please tell me you know what consonants and vowels are.

Lauren: You’re no fun, Dad. Forget it.

Me: What is a vowel?

Lauren: OK, OK. A vowel is … ahh … eh … well, oh … uh …

Me: Close enough.